I just finished this hat last night. It is a chemo cap for one of the hospitals here in town. They are always looking for hats in the Chemo Department, and are really short of hats for men. This was made with Brown Sheep's Nature Spun, 100% wool, in white and green. This was from a pattern that was given to me by the knitter's guild, but I'm not too sure I like the size. The ribbing is not as tight as I like it, but it is done, and is okay. I really liked doing the design, it was very easy and quick and fun to do. I wasn't too pleased with the way they did the top, but that is how it was written, so I followed their directions. It is okay, but I would have done it a bit different. There is still some yarn left, so I may do another one, with a different design, and do the top my way!

(And I did!) The smaller one was started on a trip up to Edmonton, to attend a conference, and to keep myself awake during the presentations, I knitted this one, very quietly, under the table. I can knit FairIsle without looking now -- cool! I only had a little bit at the top to finish when I got back home.
This is the second one I have done for the guild. The first was a very fine yarn, took forever to do, although the pattern was interesting to do. I changed the top and made myself more work, but I do like the way it turned out. Sorry, no pics on that one!
Other than that, I have been doing some spinning. I have some really nice fleece that was supposed to be used for some felting, but I wanted to spin it instead. I am doing it very very fine, because that is what it wants to be! I have already done two skeins, and am working on the third. But since it is fine, it takes a long time to fill the bobbin.
I do have some really nice beige/brown waiting for me as well. I think I want to do a sweater for myself with that. But first I have to get this white off the wheel! And there is a box of other wool waiting their turn too, so I had better get moving on this one! So much to do, not enough time to do it all.
You can see more of them here: