So it snowed off and on for the last two days. Incredibly, there is not much snow accumulated on the ground. The streets are wet, there is a lot of slush but I think another day or so will dry it all up. We are predicted to have temps of +12 by Friday!
This morning, in the morning sun, the mountains looked gorgeous with their new white coats, and they were just brilliant in the west. I didn't get a pic for you right then -- it was a crazy morning around here -- but I did get one now. It's always a good day if I can see the mountains!
I was able to view a cam set up near my brother's house in Saskatchewan. They have had very little snow this winter, and it was almost all gone. But when I looked at the live feed yesterday, I was shocked! I didn't understand where this was coming from -- everything was covered with nice, white, fluffy snow about a foot deep. I haven't seen anything like that for many years.
Apparently they received this storm just overnight, and are now digging their way out. My brother did think about waiting for the +12 temps to clear his drive, but wouldn't have been able to open his door, so he decided he had best clear a path at least. Of course, another brother has just returned from 7 weeks in Mexico, and he deserved this! Serves him right for going somewhere warm and leaving us to suffer through a Canadian winter! I'm sure he must have thought it was a wonderful coming-home present.
Spinning is continuing at my house. I will get some photos up one day soon. I really need to do some plying as well, but the spinning is more fun! I also need to do more knitting, and I have umpteen projects in the cue, but there doesn't seem to be enough time in the day, what with work, eating, and spinning. I just don't understand how some people do it all!