These socks were started quite some time ago. I've enjoyed working on them. The pattern was not that complicated, but for the first several inches of the leg, I had to make sure I followed the pattern so I didn't get lost. It wasn't until after I turned the heel that it began to make some sense. It's really a simple and logical pattern -- something about that confused me!
I did these out of a navy, thinking I would wear it more often than I would one of the self-striping pink and lime green socks! But I found that it was only possible to see the stitches in daylight; even bright room lights didn't seem to help much. That's why it took so long to do, with the short days we now have!

Work on that Mystery Shawl has stalled. It has actually stopped! I have lost all interest in it whatsoever! This has almost never happened to me before, that I recall. I thought if I left it alone for a time, I would come back to it renewed. It may take a long time!
I'm not really sure what happened. I have done a lot of lace. I enjoy knitting lace! It find it exciting to see the designs develop, and they are not that hard to do. But this one --- it is just not flowing for me. There were a couple of minor errors in the design which I could deal with. But this section of the design has pattern stitches on both front and back rows. And I've done this before too! For some reason, it just was not working. Now, looking at it, I can't tell where I am in the pattern anymore! I've really gone and lost myself somewhere. I hate to say it, but I may have to tink a row or two. I NEVER rip anything out; but I will tink! Once I get back on track, I may be alright. I hope so -- I SOOO want to get this done!
Sorry about the shawl & hope you can figure it out. The socks look great! Funny thing is, I knit a vest with that pattern once. Nice shade of blue!!!
Those are great socks! Gorgeous pattern. Thanks for your VERY helpful comments on my Friday Harbor blog post... I might try cutting off the cuff and reknitting, but I definitely have a different philosophy about frogging than you do! I find it to be quite liberating! I don't worry so much about screwing up when I know I can just rip it out and do it over again...;-)
Great socks!! They're absolutely gorgeous . . . its a shame you have to wear them on your feet . . . no one will see all the nice stitching. Perhaps you can find a fashionable way to wear them on your head. :)
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