For many years, much of my yarn stash has been safely stashed away in a storage space. It was convenient, in that when I moved, I didn't have to pack all of it with me. And when I did move, I would just take more stuff to the storage, until I was settled and then haul it all back. Except as time went on, most of that just stayed there, and I would set up house with new stuff!
But the time has come that it must end. I don't like having to pay all this extra money for keeping things I rarely ever get to see. I 'know' I have a ball-winder in there somewhere, and a swift, and some lovely Condon's yarns, and... lots of other things. Where exactly... well, I used to know where it was all carefully put away, but now I lost track. And to dig through to the back to find it... no, not gonna happen.
And then, the owner has sold the property to a developer, and they are going to build condos on the site. Every piece of land in this town is being turned into condos!! So I HAD to get all my stuff out of there before they bulldozed it all. After lots of haggling, and painful sleepless nights, I was able to make arrangements to start hauling out the boxes of mysterious things into my small tiny apartment. I know how to make use of every square inch of space, and have been able to pack an unbelieveably large amount of stuff into a tiny closet. This should be easy enough.
I think I have met my match.
My spare room, which was where the loom was to go, was overtaken long ago by the books and boxes of yarn that I had with me. So I just added more to it. I mean, I added a LOT more! A HUGE enormous more! Don't look if you are squeamish. But this is the room with only yarn in it. And a few books, and some parts of a loom. I have since added to this with a bit more yarn I located, and more pieces of TWO looms. There in now no more space to add anything more! It's full!
Now, this was taken from the hall -- this is as close as I can get inside the room -- and it's a full sized bedroom. It's packed from floor to ceiling with tight-fitting boxes -- all filled with yarn! Yarn of every type and colour and size! What was I thinking?? I have more than many shops I've seen... will I ever be able to use it all? Do I need it all? But what has need got to do with it anyway!?

Be aware that more has been added to what you see there. I won't take another pic. I'm too embarassed even to show you this! But I wanted some of you to know that this is the way to really have a stash! One or two balls of some yarn is NOT how to do it; go all the way if you are going to do it at all!
I also have many boxes of clothes that are no longer in style, and don't fit me anymore. You know, it's our very dry climate --- it causes clothes to shrink; really, it does! So those will have to be disposed of somehow. I may give them to the thrift shop; after all, I got a lot of yarn from them! Some will just be thrown out. No one wants them. I had a weird idea at one time that I could always use the fabric for quilts... yah, sure!! Like I need another hobby?
Please have some sympathy and compassion for me. I told you I'm an addict... I can't help myself! Really, I can't. It's a disease, I tell you. But maybe with some care and attention, I can get well. Can't I?
Ummmm wow! Yep that is a big one alright. Maybe you can have a stash sale as you go through it. And/or maybe donate some to a senior center. I am trying to not be so impulsive with yarn buying. It's hard to do though when you see it for a really good price. I don't do very well with sock yarn either. I bet it'll take you a while to go through all that!
Thanks for sharing, Tallguy. Now I feel better - my stash isn't nearly as big as yours.
Wishing you all the best in your recovery.
When can we come visit and bring home "souvenirs?"
I am always MORE than happy to take any yarn off anyone's hands, just for the record!
Good luck in your destashing. How about this: make it a party and invite a bunch of friends, rent a space, and start sorting. Labeled ones will be easy. The unlabeled ones won't. Acrylics and cottons can go to hospital and hospice groups. Wools can go to Dulaan and the Linus Project.
OMG, I almost peed my pants reading this entry. I tend to only buy yarn for projects ... but ... i feel as though I might be slipping. I bought some yarn on a recent trip with no project in mind -- it was on sale for Pete Sake! Thank you for showing me my potential future and saving me from becoming a yarn hoarder ;-)
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