Ted was remarking at how light it still is at 9:30 in the evening. Well, yes, silly boy -- it's summer! When we were young at home, Mom had a real hard time trying to convince us that it was time to get to bed on a school night when it was still perfectly daylight and we weren't finished playing yet! But that is how summer is "way up north". Hahaha... and I'm in the south of the province!
I took these pics at 10 pm out my window facing east and a bit north.

Of course, we can't go thru a summer without extremes! So, just to show us that it's not all peaches and cream, we had a bit of hail only a couple of hours earlier. It came on quickly, altho I noticed the strange dark clouds forming at 6 pm, and only lasted a short time. It was about pea-sized hail, but I think it was heavier in the north end of the city; they seem to get the brunt of most storms.

I know I shouldn't have continued working with that acrylic when I discovered why it felt so strange in my hands. I need to learn to trust my fingers more often! But I am stubborn that way: once I start, I will continue on to the very bitter end! So I did -- trying to tell myself that this is a practice piece to learn the correct way to increase and how to drop those stitches. And I did learn a few things! I just saw one live and in person at a LYS today... and it was very nice! It was knit with larger needles too, so it would go faster than this one did. With delicious yarn, it would be fun to do as well! Oh, well -- *sigh*
The LYS held a Summer Solstice Sale today and were open for a whole 12 hours. I hope they did well, and according to the number that were there within an hour of opening (me included), I think they did. They don't have run-of-the-mill yarns in their store, and I didn't buy much. The things I wanted were NOT on sale oddly! But some things were 20, 30 or 50% off, which is good. When I picked up a nice skein of Lorna's Laces in an interesting colourway and looked at the price ($69.95), I decided that I really didn't need it that badly. I did get some Noro Kureyon, but only because of the discount; I don't think it's really that great a yarn-- for my purposes, at least. A lot of the "fancy and expensive" yarns that are available today are not really my tastes, and I personally don't feel they are going to be around for long. They are fun and interesting (but way too expensive) and pretty garish -- a fad -- and will disappear in short order. I've been around a long time, so have seen many things come and go just as fast! All things come around again if you live long enough. However, the younguns need to have their opportunity to play with fun things while they can... and they ARE knitting!
So it's all a good thing.
I personally love the long daylight hours...when I was in Asia last summer I was quite unnerved by how everything turns dark after 5pm, even in June. They should do daylight saving hours over there too!
Btw, thanks so much for taking the time to explain about sock yarns, it was exactly what I needed! You rock.
Simple solution is to move out West. We don't have winter, and abrely any summer to speak of (compared to elsewhere).
I love Northern summers. Even here in the far eastern part of the Eastern time zone, we get light until quite late. It'd be even later if we were on Atlantic time like we ought to be, but that's another discussion.
Saw your comment on another blog and thought I'd stop by to say hello.
I live on the opposite side of the country in NB. I was sitting out on the patio around 9pm and noted that it still seemed very light out - almost as though it were only around 6pm. But sadly enough, the days are on the way to starting to get darker earlier. It's inevitable I guess...
Hey, thanks for stopping by my site. Thought I'd do the same! I've linked to your blog on my page too so I won't lose track of you. Thanks and take care! Ken
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